Mulches & Landscape Materials Applied By Air…
DGS SBE #4245 Certified Small Business | License #C27-800650 | DIR #1000006584
Located in the San Francisco Bay Area , JetMulch, Inc. has been the leading provider of pneumatically applied mulches, playground wood chips and soil amendments since 1996.
Our customers' projects range in size from Caltrans Highway projects, to elementary school playground boxes and include City Parks, Landscape Contractors' maintenance projects and new construction for commercial, residential, public and private projects.
We provide and install Bark Mulches, Playground Loose Fill Safety Surfacing, Compost Mixes and Soil Amendments.
Let us value engineer your project. When speed, efficiency and neatness are key to your project, our Express Blower service can't be beat.
Steep embankments can be covered quickly and easily with a hose range of 300 feet.
Delicate landscapes can be easily accessed where heavy equipment or wheelbarrows and a crew could cause damage.